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K and R Replicas
Replica, Model, Kits, Whitemetal

Welcome to the ToyMart Trade listing for K and R Replicas

K and R Replicas specialise in whitemetal models in 1/43rd and 1/24th scale models, having been producing models for over 30 years.
Email: info@kandrreplicas.co.uk
Tel: 01580 850859
Web: K and R Replicas
Right Now on ebay from
K and R Replicas,
Malt House Bungalow, Queen Streat,   Cranbrook,
Kent,   TN18 5HR,   UK,
K and R Replicas Specialises in:
Replica, Model, Kits, Whitemetal
This page has been viewed 219 times.

K and R Replicas Online Retailer
Kent - UK
K and R Replicas specialises in: Replica, Model, Kits, Whitemetal
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