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Condition Grading
Throughout the site all models are given a condition grading. The first letter applies to the model and the second to the box or packaging.
  • A+ = Mint
  • As new Condition
  • A = Excellent
  • Only the slightest faults
  • B = Very Good
  • Some signs of wear
  • C = Good
  • With obvious wear
  • D = Fair
  • Possibly parts missing
  • E = Poor
  • Restoration project only
  • NB = Loose
  • No box or packaging

PremiumX Price Guide

Showing model numbers PR0008-PRD332

PCT Collectibles Industry Macau based manufacturer of diecast toys. Made in China

PremiumX Price Guide Model Numbers Show/Hide
PremiumX - PR0008 - Ford Capri III 3.0S (24Hr Spa Winner 1979) - Red
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PremiumX - PR0141 - Lancia Stratos (2010) - Black
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PremiumX - PR0171 - Cadillac Deville Sedan (1977) - Grey
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PremiumX - PR0180 - Lancia Stratos Prototype (1971) - Red
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PremiumX - PR0186 - Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary (1989) - Red
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PremiumX - PR0187 - Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary (1989) - Silver
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PremiumX - PR0201 - Lancia Stratos (2010) - Silver
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PremiumX - PR0255 - Fiat 500 Tender Two (Castagna Milano - 2008) - Blue
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PremiumX - PR0273 - Range Rover Evoque (Customised by Onyx 2012) - White
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PremiumX - PR0274 - Range Rover Evoque (Customised by Hamann 2012) - Black
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PremiumX - PR0275 - Mini Cooper S Yachtsman (2002) - Blue
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PremiumX - PR0381 - Porsche 928S Kombi (1979) - Black
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PremiumX - PR0475R - Range Rover Evoque Convertible (Geneva Motor Show 2016) - Black
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PremiumX - PR0482 - Jaguar F Type Project 7 (2015) - Green
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PremiumX - PR0483 - Jaguar F Type Project 7 (2015) - Blue
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PremiumX - PRD120 - Stutz Blackhawk Convertible (1971) - Black
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PremiumX - PRD126 - AMC Pacer (Freetown Police 1975) - White Black
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PremiumX - PRD237 - VW Brasilia (Policia Rodoviaria Federal 1975) - Yellow Blue
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PremiumX - PRD238 - Ford Del Rey Ouro (1982) - Grey
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PremiumX - PRD239 - Ford Del Rey (Policia Militar Rodoviaria 1982) - Yellow
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PremiumX - PRD294 - Volvo 244 (1978) - White Black
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PremiumX - PRD324 - Triumph Herald Number 250 (Monte Carlo Rally 1960) - Red
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PremiumX - PRD328 - Suzuki Vitara (1992) - Blue
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PremiumX - PRD329 - Suzuki Vitara Convertible (1992) - Red
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PremiumX - PRD332 - Mazda RX8 (2003) - Red
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