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Ex Mag Price Guide

Showing model numbers BT05-EX56

Ex Mag Price Guide Model Numbers Show/Hide
Ex Mag - BT05 - Loch Ness Monster Statue -
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Ex Mag - BT11 - Melusina (or Nixie) Figure (European Folklore) -
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Ex Mag - BT52 - Sphinx Figure (Egyptian Mythology) -
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Ex Mag - BT53 - Garden Of Eden Serpent Figure (Biblical Lore) -
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Ex Mag - EJ03 - Bugs Bunny Figure Looney Tunes -
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Ex Mag - EJ04 - Daffy Duck Figure Looney Tunes -
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Ex Mag - EJ05 - Road Runner Figure Looney Tunes -
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Ex Mag - EJ07 - Pepe Le Pew Figure Looney Tunes -
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Ex Mag - EJ09 - Foghorn Leghorn Figure Looney Tunes -
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Ex Mag - EJ10 - Tweetypie Figure Looney Tunes -
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Ex Mag - BX17 - M2 Bradley (24 Mechanized Cavalry Division - Saudi Arabia 19 -
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Ex Mag - BX18 - Somua S35 (1ere DLM Saint-Ouen - 1940) - Tank -
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Ex Mag - BX19 - T55A (Polish Army Prague - 1968) - Tank -
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Ex Mag - BX26 - BTR-80 (98 Airborne Division KFOR Serbia - 1999) - APC -
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Ex Mag - BX31 - KV-1E (109th Armoured Division 43rd Army Briansk - 1941) - - red
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Ex Mag - EX02 - M16 MGMC (3rd Armoured Division - Aachen 1944) - Half Track - red
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Ex Mag - EX05 - AMC Schneider P16 (1ere GRDI - Mettet Belgium 1940) - Half -
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Ex Mag - EX06 - Sd Kfz Puma 234/2 (20 Panzer Division - Sudetenland 1945) Di - red
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Ex Mag - EX07 - AMD 35 Panhard 178 (6eme Cuirassiers 1ere DLM - Netherlands - red
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Ex Mag - EX09 - Ford M8 (2nd Armoured Division - Avranches France 1944) Diec - red
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Ex Mag - EX11 - Citroen Type 23 (49eme Bataillon de Chars de Combat - Tannay -
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Ex Mag - EX12 - Fiat Ansaldo M13 40 (132 Division Corazzata - El Alamein Egy -
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Ex Mag - EX13 - Humber Mk IV (8th Infantry Division (India) - Sangro River I - red
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Ex Mag - EX25 - M3A1 Scout Car (5th Field Regiment - NZ Artillery 1943) - V -
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Ex Mag - EX56 - Ford GPA (RKKA Belarus 1944) - Vehicle -
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