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  • NB = Loose
  • No box or packaging

Dinky France Price Guide

Showing model numbers 53-540

Dinky France Price Guide Model Numbers Show/Hide
Dinky France - 53A - Dunquerque Naval Vessel - Grey
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Dinky France - 528 - Peugeot 404 Cabriolet - Various
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Dinky France - 528 - Simca Chambord - Cream , Green
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Dinky France - 529 - Vespa 400 2CV - Blue , Orange
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Dinky France - 530 - VW Kharman Ghia Coupe - Red
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Dinky France - 530 - Citroen DS19 1963 - Green/Grey
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Dinky France - 530 - Citroen DS 23 - Metallic Red
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Dinky France - 530 - Citroen DS19 1963 - Red/Cream
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Dinky France - 531 - Fiat 1200 Grand Vue - Cream/Metallic Blue
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Dinky France - 531 - Fiat 1200 Grand Vue - Brown/Cream
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Dinky France - 532 - Lincoln Premiere - Two Tone Green
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Dinky France - 533 - Mercedes 300SE - Blue , Orange
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Dinky France - 533 - Peugeot 203 - Various
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Dinky France - 534 - Simca 8 - Various
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Dinky France - 534 - BMW 1500 Saloon - Pale Green
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Dinky France - 535 - Citroen 2CV - Various
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Dinky France - 536 - Simca Aronde - Various
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Dinky France - 536 - Peugeot 404 with Trailer and Skis - Red
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Dinky France - 537 - Simca Aronde Taxi - Red
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Dinky France - 537 - Renault 16 - Gray
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Dinky France - 538 - Buick Roadmaster - Various
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Dinky France - 538 - Ford Taunus 12M - Brick Red
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Dinky France - 538 - Ford Taunus 12M - Turquoise
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Dinky France - 539 - Ford Vedette Taxi - Black
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Dinky France - 539 - Citroen ID19 Break - Gold/Cream
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Dinky France - 540 - Studebaker Commander - Various
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Dinky France - 540 - Opel Kadett - Red
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Dinky France - 540 - Opel Kadett - Pale green
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Dinky France
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