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  • A+ = Mint
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  • C = Good
  • With obvious wear
  • D = Fair
  • Possibly parts missing
  • E = Poor
  • Restoration project only
  • NB = Loose
  • No box or packaging

Corgi Classics Price Guide

Showing model numbers 16601-17

Corgi Classics - 16601 - Scammell & Land Rover Set - Pickfords
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Corgi Classics - 16602 - Scammell Highwayman - Wine/Red
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Corgi Classics - 16701 - Scammell Articulated Low Loader Set - Wrekin
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Corgi Classics - 16702 - Scammell Highwayman Low Loader - Pickfords
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Corgi Classics - 16704 - Scammell Highwayman Low Loader - Dark Blue/Green
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Corgi Classics - 16801 - Scammell Highwayman - Yellow/Red
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Corgi Classics - 16901 - Scammell Highwayman Low Loader Set - Hallett Silbermann
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Corgi Classics - 17501 - Scammell Constructor - Siddle Cook
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Corgi Classics - 17601 - Scammell Constructor Low Loader - Hill
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Corgi Classics - 17602 - Scammell Constructor Low Loader - Suntor Bros Ltd
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Corgi Classics - 17603 - Scammell Constructor & Trailer - Siddle Cook - Red
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Corgi Classics - 17701 - Scammell Constructor Low Loader Set - Pickfords
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Corgi Classics - 17801 - Scammell Constructor Cannon - Chipperfields - Blue/Red
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Corgi Classics - 17901 - Scammell Contractor Wrecker - British Road Services
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Corgi Classics - 17902 - Scammell Contractor - Sunters
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Corgi Classics - 17903 - Scammell Contractor - Wynns
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Corgi Classics - 18001 - Scammell Contractor - Econofreight
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Corgi Classics - 18002 - Scammell Contractor (X2) - Pickfords
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Corgi Classics - 18004 - Scammell Contractor, 2 Dyson Trailers - Siddle C. Cook
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Corgi Classics - 18005 - Scammell Contractor Set - Pickfords
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Corgi Classics - ART.170 - Jaguar XJ 220 96614 - White
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Corgi Classics - CC1701 - Morris Minor Traveller - Heartbeat
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Corgi Classics - CC17905 - Scammell Contractor - The Pointers Group
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Corgi Classics - CC18001 - Volvo FH Curtainside - Pollock Scotrans
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Corgi Classics - CC18002 - Volvo FH Fridge Trailer - Whitelink Seafoods
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Corgi Classics - CC18003 - Volvo FH Curtainside - Mansel Davies
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Corgi Classics - CC18004 - Volvo FH Fridge Trailer - Eddie Stobart
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Corgi Classics - CC18005 - Volvo FH Curtainside - Knowles Transport
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Corgi Classics - D17/1 - Bedford Vans Set - Shell
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Corgi Classics
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